
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Its Springtime!

I know I know. Edmonton isn't exactly the ideal place to call home for spring and summer. But when spring is about to come, and after the last snowstorm, it means its a time for flowers, and ice to melt and everyone tries to lose weight to fit into bikinis again. 

To me, springtime is welcomes the plethora of fresh fruits and vegetables. Fresh fish, er ... fresher fish, and BBQ meats come out again! Long gone are the 8 months of canned goods that you're forced to endure. Okay, I'm over exaggerating, but I tend to eat a lot more canned foods over winter. On the plus side, spring welcomes lower costs of grains and vegetables.

Most people are probably grimacing from this post. Like WHY DO YOU EAT VEGGIES THEY DON'T TASTE GOOD!


Ahi Tuna Salad from Joeys Downtown

I'm not a fan of the warm or hot weather. But I'm a big fan of food that tastes good. I hate eating, to me its a chore to stay alive. I eat minimally but when I have to eat, I prefer stuff that tastes good so I'll actually enjoy it for once. 

Anyways, welcome back spring, I'm sure a bunch of people missed you.


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